If you know of professional development opportunities for parent engagement professionals, please share them us. Drop a note in the contact form on the left or call the Austin ISD Parent Engagement & Support Office at (512) 414-312
Parent Workshop
Positive Approaches for Effective Parenting
June 26, 2014
6:00 - 7:30 PM
The Austin Child Guidance Center (ACGC) is hosting a FREE Parent Workshop titled, "Positive Approaches for Effective Parenting" on Thursday June 26th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. This workshop is intended for parents or caregivers with children 2-7 years of age.
You will learn to:
- Use research-supported positive discipline strategies to improve your child's behavior
- Improve your relationship with your child
- Decrease conflict with your child and increase your child's compliance
- Help your child develop self-esteem
You can register here or call the center at 512-451-2242. Free child care will be provided.
Space is limited so please reserve early.
Please forward this to anyone who might be interested in attending.

July 25, 26 and 27 in Austin, TexasNAMI Austin is hosting a free training NAMI's signature course called NAMI Basics. This 6-week course is designed for parents and other family caregivers of children and adolescents living with mental illness. This program has been dormant for the last year, but with the rising need in our community, we are hoping to re-launch it this fall. We need your help in sharing the information with anyone who might qualify for the training and interested in making the commitment to teach the course.
Below are the details. The training is free, and I'm prepared to cover the cost of the required NAMI membership. I have attached the required application. Please contact me if you have any questions.
- Training, materials and meals provided at no cost.
- Prospective teachers must be parents or primary caregivers of a child who exhibited symptoms of a mental illness prior to age 13.
- Prospective teachers do not have to be graduates of a NAMI Basics course.
- Prospective teachers must commit to teaching at least two classes within a two year period.
- Facilitators must be NAMI members or be willing to become a member.

2014 Statewide Parent Involvement Conference
The 10th annual 2014 Statewide Parental Involvement Conference will convene:December 4 – 6, 2014
San Marcos, Texas
San Marcos Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center
The conference website is still being built, but…
- A home page is available, http://www.esc16.net/preview.aspx?name=title1swi._2014.PI_Conference.website
- The page with the hotel info is available, https://aws.passkey.com/event/11375514/owner/11207556/home
Therefore, MARK YOUR CALENDAR and reserve those dates for the 10th annual P I Conference, "Together We Can!"
Although the school year is about to conclude and some districts already have completed their calendar, please forward this info to your Parental Involvement Coordinators and Parental Involvement Liaisons. You are our voice to the districts. We greatly appreciate your support and assistance.
Victor "Skip" Forsyth, Education Specialist
Title I Statewide School Support and Family & Community Engagement Initiative
Region 16 ESC

Male Student Leadership Summit
June 27 and 28
Dr. Paul Cruz has asked for your help with the Male Student Leadership Summit at the University of Texas on June 27 & 28. AISD is a member of the Texas Education Consortium for Male Students of Color, the group sponsoring the summit, and Dr. Cruz would like to have a good showing from AISD at the summit.Parents, staff and students wishing to register can do so by going to the following web link:
Please help us to recruit others to attend if you are not able to participate. Because AISD is member of the Texas Education Consortium for Male Students of Color, our participation in the summit is open to AISD staff and students free of charge. When you register, you will be asked if your organization is a member of the Consortium and mark "yes." for that question.
Click here for the flyer.
