Ongoing Professional Development
In addition to learning opportunities available within Austin ISD through our Human Capital Platform, there are outstanding learning opportunities being offered outside the district. While no District funding is available for these opportunities, AISD staff should know of other opportunities. Please visit newly created page on our Educator Quality/Professional Development web site. I hope you and your staff find this helpful.
Got to:
Other Profession Development Opportunities
PARENT SUPPORT SPECIALISTs Portfolio Samples Available for review
Short samples of the work portfolios of AISD Parent Support Specialists (PSS) for 2013-14 are available for review.
The portfolio samples are presented in "flipbook" style, ready for downloading and sharing. Each highlights some of the parent engagement work at each campus (with a PSS). Full hard-copy portfolios are available for review by request from each Parent Support Specialist.

Juneteenth Parade:
get Your Schools involved!
All AISD schools are cordially invited participate in the Annual Juneteeth Parade sponsored by the Greater East Austin Youth Association on Saturday, June 14,2014 at 8:30 AM. Paraders will meet at MLK and IH-35.
Please join in representing AISD at this important community event.
To confirm your attendance or for more info, please contact with Terry Louie Russell at or 512-414-0052 as soon as possible.
Operation School Bell:
Limited Shirt Color Support for Uniform Schools
The Assistance League of Austin operates Operation School Bell which provides clothes for over 3,400 needy AISD students each year.
For school year 2014-15, Operation School Bell’s support for schools with standardized dress (i.e. uniforms) will be limited to fewer shirt colors: White, Navy, Light Blue, Royal Blue, Gray and Gold for elementary schools; and White, Black, Gray, Dark Green and Navy for middle schools.
While schools may choose other colors, Operation School Bell will not be able to support those schools in providing clothes.
Please contact the AISD Parent Engagement & Support Office at 512-414-3189 if you have any questions.
School principals, administrators and PSS staff are eligible to register for FREE to attend the Summer Leadership Seminar through Texas PTA, after a regular member registers. Registration begins April 22. In the meantime, everyone can view this page for more information:
Summer Leadership Seminar, or SLS, offers a wide assortment of PTA related workshops on leadership, parenting, financials, advocacy, and more. It is a three-day conference full of activities and mingling with PTA leaders throughout the state. There is also an opportunity to request financial assistance to attend this conference with a link posted to the website with more information. This year's conference is in Houston.
There is also a National PTA conference in Austin this summer which I had previously mentioned to you. National PTA is offering one free registration to each local PTA to attend the Emerging Minority Leaders Conference from June 19-22 at the Austin Convention Center. People can register for that conference here 2014 Emerging Minority Leaders Conference - For Members - National PTA and the discount code is 729365.
Growing Roots - SUpport classeS for parents of children with special needs.
Join Growing Roots for hands-on information, resources and support.
Growing Roots provides:
All at no cost to families, with childcare!
Call 512-850-8281 to get started!
Click here for the flyer.
Growing Roots provides:
- Courses for parents, offered September through May
- Monthly Support Groups
- Supportive Case Management
- 6 Family Fun Days each year
All at no cost to families, with childcare!
Call 512-850-8281 to get started!
Click here for the flyer.