This Week ... April 23

April 23, 2014

Resource for You:A Quarterly Parent Involvement Newsletter!

The Region 13 Educational Service Center produces a quarterly the Parental Involvement Connection, a parent involvement newsletter in English and Spanish:

The newsletter can be printed and distributed;
It can be placed on a district or school website and made available through a link;
Districts and schools can add their own material to the newsletter but they cannot delete articles from the newsletter, it must be used in its entirety.

Use this resource as you see fit in your school's newsletter, emails or social media efforts.

Latino Leaders / Hispanic Futures Summer Program - June 16-19

We need your help to promote a new summer opportunity being offered to 9th grade students at all AISD high schools through a partnership between the Hispanic Scholarship Consortium (HSC) and the District's Hispanic Futures Program. HSC and Hispanic Futures are launching the Latino Leaders Program, a four-day, district-wide program focused on nurturing the skills students need to succeed in our rapidly-changing world. Program activities are centered around the following themes: leadership, service & integrity, academic success & college readiness, identity & wellness and career exploration. The first 3-days are in a "conference" format and the final day involves a college visit.

Four students (two male and two female students) will be selected from every AISD high school. We are asking for your help by nominating four current 9th grade students and/or recruiting students from your school to apply/register online. Two male students and two female students will be selected from each AISD high school (with the exception of the Ann Richards School that can nominate four female students).

Attached is a letter of invitation from the Hispanic Scholarship Consortium and an informational flyer that you can share with students.

Your assistance with informing students about this opportunity is greatly appreciated.

St. Johns Community Unity Walk - April 26

It's time again for the 10th Annual St. John Unity Walk on Saturday, April 26!

We gather in the parking lot at Webb MS around 9:00am and the parade starts promptly at 9:30am, hopefully led by our Webb Boy Scout Troop 6 and the Reagan Band and of course our APD escorts! This is a great opportunity to bring out your student groups in their school uniforms and T-Shirts, to have kids make posters, banners, signs or even floats proclaiming what they love about their community and school and to invite parents, teachers, staff, community partners and anyone else who wants to join in the fun . . . . to come join in this wonderful celebration of our community and schools!

After the parade, we'll enjoy a Technology/STEM Fair sponsored by Skillpoint Alliance with lots of fun activities for kids and information for parents about how to us technology and the Internet to access information and do things to simplify and improve their lives. It is a highly interactive event followed by a raffle for a laptop and STEM summer camp scholarships and FREE lunch for all!

PTA Summer Leadership Seminar

School principals, administrators and PSS staff are eligible to register for FREE to attend the Summer Leadership Seminar through Texas PTA, after a regular member registers. Registration begins April 22. In the meantime, everyone can view this page for more information:

Summer Leadership Seminar, or SLS, offers a wide assortment of PTA related workshops on leadership, parenting, financials, advocacy, and more. It is a three-day conference full of activities and mingling with PTA leaders throughout the state. There is also an opportunity to request financial assistance to attend this conference with a link posted to the website with more information. This year's conference is in Houston.

There is also a National PTA conference in Austin this summer which I had previously mentioned to you. National PTA is offering one free registration to each local PTA to attend the Emerging Minority Leaders Conference from June 19-22 at the Austin Convention Center. People can register for that conference here 2014 Emerging Minority Leaders Conference - For Members - National PTA and the discount code is 729365. 

Univision Parent Pledge Program

Univision wanted to inform you on their education campaign, Pequeños y Valiosos.  They are asking for parents to sign a petition stating that they will spend at least 15 minutes interacting with their child each day.  They need to sign and provide an email.  The email is to send them tips on how to interact with their child. Their goal is to get 500 signatures.  

Palm Square Resource Fair

Friday, May 02, 2014
Doris Miller Auditorium, 2300 Rosewood Ave.
Call 512.854.4120 for more information. 


This Week - April 2

April 1, 2014

Dove Springs Community Health Fair

The Mendez Middle School Family Resource Center is coordinating a great Dove Springs Health Fair:
Saturday, April 5
9 a.m. - 12 noon
Mendez Middle School
  • FREE Screenings: Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Mammograms 
  • Community & City Agencies - Program Registrations
  • Zumba Classes
  • Cooking Demonstrations
  • Prizes & Giveaways 
  • Soccer & Basketball Drills
  • Bike Rodeo with Participant Medals 
  • Special Area with Resources for Flood-Affected Families.

Special Education Summer Resources Guide

Please share the attached guide with your school's parents.

Click here to download the guides (English or Spanish).

Community Conversations on AISD's Preliminary Budget - April 3 & 9

The Austin Independent School District invites you to attend two community conversations on the district’s proposed Fiscal Year 2015 budget. 

The meetings are scheduled for Thursday, April 3 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Crockett High School Cafeteria, and on Wednesday, April 9 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at McCallum High School Cafeteria.  

Come and learn about the preliminary budget, including strategic investment in priorities, projected shortfalls, and long-range financial planning.

Refreshments, childcare, and interpretation services in Spanish will be provided.

For more information, please visit or call 512-414-9706.

AISD Seeks Nomination for Latino Awards

AISD invites the community to submit award nominations for the District’s Latino Academic Achievement Awards for citizens and organizations supportive of Latino students or services that enhance the academic achievement of Latino students. Three Latino Community Awards will be presented in conjunction with the District’s Latino Academic Achievement Awards event honoring outstanding students.
The Latino Academic Achievement Awards ceremony will be held at 2 p.m., on Saturday, May 10, at the LBJ School of Public Affairs Auditorium, University of Texas at Austin.
The Community Awards are:

  • Latino Community Service Award: Any individual, not currently an Austin ISD staff member, Latino or not, who has provided public and civil service to benefit Latino students and/or families in public education in the greater Austin area for a minimum of two consecutive years
  • Latino Excellence in Advocacy Award: Any organization, Latino or not, which has provided outstanding support in advancing Latino academic achievement and promoting educational outcomes in the greater Austin area for a minimum of two consecutive years.
  • Latino Parent Volunteer Award: Any individual of Latino origin and parent (or family member) of a current Austin ISD student, who has volunteered a significant amount of service in a school-specific or district-wide capacity for a minimum of two consecutive years.

Nominations can be submitted through the AISD website at The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. on Friday, April 11th.

St. John's Community Events

Please pass the following info about events in the St. John area to students and families who may want to be involved in participating or serving in the community.

Click here for the April Cleanup flyer.
Click here for the United Walk flyer.
Click here for the Easter flyer.

Prime Time Summer Program

Prime Time is organizing a summer program for all interested AISD students currently in K - 3rd.

Click here for the Austin Prime Time Summer Camp flyer.

PTA Conferences

School principals and/or administrators/PSS staff are eligible to register for FREE to attend the Summer Leadership Seminar through Texas PTA, after a regular member registers. Registration begins April 22. In the meantime, everyone can view this page for more information:

Summer Leadership Seminar, or SLS, offers a wide assortment of PTA related workshops on leadership, parenting, financials, advocacy, and more. It is a three-day conference full of activities and mingling with PTA leaders throughout the state. There is also an opportunity to request financial assistance to attend this conference with a link posted to the website with more information. This year's conference is in Houston.

There is also a National PTA conference in Austin this summer which I had previously mentioned to you. National PTA is offering one free registration to each local PTA to attend the Emerging Minority Leaders Conference from June 19-22 at the Austin Convention Center. People can register for that conference here 2014 Emerging Minority Leaders Conference - For Members - National PTA and the discount code is 729365. 

For info and updates on PTA, go to the Austin Council of PTA website at

FREE Youth Mental Health First Aid training

On June 4, Region 13 will be hosting this free workshop. The workshop ID is SU1429443 and the workshop will be from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 

Registration is limited to 40 participants and will include the Mental Health First Aid manual.

In addition to Mental Health First Aid certification, CEUs are also available for Licensed Social Workers and Licensed Counselors.

Click here for the flyer.
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Upcoming Events

June 5
Last Day of AISD School
8 a.m.-12 noon
and 12-3 p.m. for 1st year staff
Baker Admin Center
3908 Ave B

August 21
Parent Support Staff Development
"Back to School"
8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Bullock State History Museum
N. Congress and MLK Blvd.

Twitter @AISDParents